Left behind by YDL?

Owen Stampflee ostampflee at terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu Nov 18 00:29:45 MST 2004


There will be one more set of YDL 3.0 errata, its not going to be easy
as nothing that old is still supported by any non-enterprise
distribution. I feel for you guys with Old Worlds (we still have a
couple of 'em in our server room), but dropping support was a
no-brainer... it simply doesnt pay for itself.

It's my dream that the YDL community comes together, and gets a nice
flashy Anaconda based installer working on Old World.

YDL4 will be better off errata wise as well, as we're bringing a new guy
to do RPM and Errata work.

As for running OSX on an Old World, HAHAHAHAHAHA. Thats the funnyest
thing I've heard all day (so, I didnt have a very humorous day)... its
just not going to happen. Apple has dropped OW support too and its
slower than hell.

YDL has always been and always be a loss leader for Terra Soft, the real
money comes in via Hardware sales (we're an Apple and IBM VAR... if you
want to buy a new Mac, buy it from us! *shameless plug*) and the cluster
market, with our latest and greatest software offering, Y-HPC.

The x86 market isnt much better, the only free as in beer distro that
offers support over 1 year is Debian, and its bloody ancient.


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