Semi newbie question Read-Only

Olaf Olson
Sat, 04 Sep 2004 18:16:55 -0700

Dr. MacDonald,

No insult intended. Mother just told me to be polite when addressing 
one's betters/

What does this mean:

*Very* important: do not try to mount the partition between Yellow Dog 
Linux and Mac-on-Linux at the same time!

Also, I have mounted this directory, but can't currently write to it. I 
created the mountpoint as root, edited the fstab file, as root, I 
executed the mount. But, as anyone, I can't write to the drive. I get an 

[root@PlanB-YDL root]# touch /mol/users/hoser
touch: creating `/mol/users/hoser': Read-only file system

Since the fstab file follows your suggestions, why is this read only, 
when I set fstab to be rw?


Clinton MacDonald wrote:

> Mr. Doug:
> GDB-B&W-YDL3.0.1 wrote:
>> What's the best way to share an osx partition while running ydl?  The 
>> machine is a B&W G3 400 Mhz, 80Gb HD, 896 Mb RAM running ydl 3.0.1 
>> and os 10.3.5.  Here is the line I'm using in my fstab file to mount 
>> the partition:
>> /dev/hda10 /home/doug/osx hfs defaults 0 0
> That looks to be close, but not quite right. For instance, the 
> traditional place to mount a disk partition is within the "/mnt" 
> directory (for instance, you will see a mounting point for CD-ROMs in 
> /mnt/cdrom). First of all, be sure that your HFS partition really is 
> "hda10," and not, say, hda9 or hda11. You will have to create a mount 
> point within /mnt for your HFS partition:
> [doug]% su
> Password: ******
> This gets you root privileges.
> [root@doug]% mkdir /mnt/macos
> This create a new "mount point" and names it "macos"
> [root@doug]% mount /dev/hda10 /mnt/macos -thfs
> This mounts the hfs partition (hda10) at /mnt/macos
> Now, take a look at this post, taken from when *I* was trying to learn 
> how to mount an HFS partition:
> <> 
> *Very* important: do not try to mount the partition between Yellow Dog 
> Linux and Mac-on-Linux at the same time!
> Best wishes,
> Clint