Semi newbie question Read-Only

Sat, 04 Sep 2004 21:49:15 -0400

Olaf Olson wrote:

> Dr. MacDonald,
> No insult intended. Mother just told me to be polite when addressing 
> one's betters/
> What does this mean:
> *Very* important: do not try to mount the partition between Yellow Dog 
> Linux and Mac-on-Linux at the same time!
> Also, I have mounted this directory, but can't currently write to it. 
> I created the mountpoint as root, edited the fstab file, as root, I 
> executed the mount. But, as anyone, I can't write to the drive. I get 
> an error:
> [root@PlanB-YDL root]# touch /mol/users/hoser
> touch: creating `/mol/users/hoser': Read-only file system
> Since the fstab file follows your suggestions, why is this read only, 
> when I set fstab to be rw?
> Olaf
> <SNIP>

Olaf, here is the line in my fstab that mounts the osx partition and it 
allows me to have r/w access.  Of course your mount point and device 
will probably be different:

/dev/hda10  /home/doug/osx  hfsplus  user,rw 0 0

Just a message from Doug...