Pine sources for YDL

Christopher Murtagh christopher.murtagh at
Thu Aug 11 09:28:41 MDT 2005

On Thu, 2005-08-11 at 10:55 -0400, beartooth wrote:
> On Wed, 10 Aug 2005 18:24:34 -0400, Christopher Murtagh wrote:
> > On Wed, 2005-08-10 at 16:21 -0400, beartooth wrote:
> >> Meanwhile, some of us mere users go on getting pine any way we can  -- and
> >> unlike FC 3 & 4, YDL doesn't make getting it trivial; 
> > 
> >  How is it more trivial to get it in FC3 or FC4 that has anything to do
> > with Red Hat? I know I got it on my Intel machines via Dag but not
> > thanks to Red Hat.
> I'm not sure I understand the question. With plain non-ppc Fedora, you can
> do rpm -ivh on the rpm from UW, get a dependency, and then do yum install
> on the dependency; it does it, and repeating the rpm gives you pine.

 Yes, and that has absolutely nothing to do with Red Hat. This is
working because the UW folks have provided an RPM for Intel. You should
also ask them to provide one for PPC as well instead of complaining to
the YDL folks about it.

 If UW won't provide one, then I suggest getting the .src.rpm from Dag
Wieers. He has a great apt-repository (like Matthias Saou does @
Freshrpms), which includes Pine.

 Go here:

 grab the lastest source rpm, which today is:
 Then do this:

 rpmbuild --rebuild  pine-4.63-1.rf.src.rpm

 Then install the resulting rpm. Pretty simple.

> Relatively trivial, at least, once you think of asking yum for the
> dependency (actually two dependencies, which yum can install both at
> once); but that doesn't work in YDL4 -- maybe those dependencies are not
> written yet for ppc, or just not in the YDL repo??

 They're not in Red Hat's repo either. They're provided by UW.

> I would be happy to see a plain rpm, like the one on the site I  mentioned,
> in any of the main sources of rpms, and findable by rpmseek (formerly
> rpmfind) a/o freshmeat a/o freshrpms. If one is there, I missed it, or
> it's just gotten there.

 Then you should ask Matthias if he will include it in freshrpms. He's
generally pretty receptive from what I've seen on this list, and his
work is top notch.



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