Would you buy cpanel and whm if we made it for YellowDog Linux?

Atro Tossavainen atro.tossavainen+ydl at helsinki.fi
Sun Feb 20 12:14:43 MST 2005

> From: Hex Star <hexstar at gmail.com>

That's really credible.

> Hello, we at CPanel are considering creating cpanel and whm for
> YellowDog Linux but would like to make sure first that people will
> actually buy it, so if we make it for the latest version of YellowDog
> Linux (currently 4.0.1) will any of you guys purchase it?

This is great news.  Folks running web services on PPC would no longer
be exempt from having their computers taken over by security problems
in this software.  A google search for "cpanel vulnerability" finds
at least two separate issues, one from Mar 2004, one from Oct 2004.

I don't see a section on vulnerabilities discovered in the product
and their fixes on www.cpanel.net.  Do you believe that if you don't
tell the world about them, they don't exist?

(I'm not in your target group.  I don't run web services on YDL and
 I wouldn't use cpanel or any other such product for management on
 any other platform I run web services on anyway.)

Atro Tossavainen (Mr.)               / The Institute of Biotechnology at
Systems Analyst, Techno-Amish &     / the University of Helsinki, Finland,
+358-9-19158939  UNIX Dinosaur     / employs me, but my opinions are my own.
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