Would you buy cpanel and whm if we made it for YellowDog Linux?

John C. Welch jwelch at bynkii.com
Wed Feb 23 05:14:17 MST 2005

On 2/21/05 7:39 PM, "Hex Star" <hexstar at gmail.com> wrote:

> I'm not paid to do this, I'm in no way endorced or rewarded for
> posting this to the newsgroup, I myself would like this for YDL since
> I run websites on YDL and I thought that at least those of you here
> who host websites as well on YDL might be interested in having
> cpanel/whm as a helpful aid...sorry for bothering, I can tell it was a
> mistake

Didn't seem real "ad - like" to me. Seemed like you got a lot of good
responses. Don't worry about the "OMGCLOSEDSOFTWAREISTEHEVIL!!!111" replies.
They're probably angry their microwave isn't open sourced, and are now
eating cold burritos in protests

John C. Welch         Writer/Analyst
Bynkii.com              Mac and other opinions
jwelch at bynkii.com

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