installation on Performa 6400

Nathan Moore nmoore at
Thu Jan 6 00:05:21 MST 2005

I've been playing around with the performa 6400 for the last few days 
and havn't got yellowdog to install satasfactorily yet.  Am using YDL 
2.3 CD, and sometimes seen an error mentioning "altivec" when packages 
are being installed.  Several questions:

(1) did I somehow burn a G3 or better iso image?  All YDL distributions 
should be able to account for chip differences (603e vs G3 vs 970 etc)

(2) does the install kernel make a difference in success?  two options 
I see are vmlinux and vmlinux-2.2 - guessing this is a difference in 
initial kernel?

(3) If I'm using bootX on an old world machine, do I still need a 
bootloader partition in the first 20MB of the hard drive?

best regards,

NT Moore

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