Mac Mini

RON FLORY ron.flory at
Fri Jan 21 06:52:38 MST 2005

Andrew Zschetzsche wrote:
> On 1/19/05 1:02 PM, "Thierry de Coulon" <tcoulon at> wrote:
>>(I want to install it as an "iMovie Machine"
> I just want to try to be nice and warn you that digital video footage eats
> hard drive space, so, depending on how much you'll be using it, I'd give OS
> X as much space as possible when you partition it.

  This is WAY, WAY off-topic, but I have a simple question.  I'm a Linux user
who is still trying to figure out the quirks of OSX.

  I created a /opt directory to place scratch files into, but the OSX GUI will
not display this directory in any file dialog.

  I discovered with OSX 10.2.x that renaming /opt to /Opt magically allowed
/Opt to be displayed in the GUI file dialogs.

  Now with OSX 10.3 even this does not work.

  Is there a magic trick under OSX 10.3 to allow any/all directories on
the internal system drive to be seen in GUI file dialogs?



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