Apache 2, SSL and Virtual Hosts

frenzy at frenzy.org frenzy at frenzy.org
Mon Jun 13 11:11:09 MDT 2005

This is a function of the way SSL certs work. If you want separate certs 
on each virtualhost, they each need a separate IP. This is because of the 
SSL key exchange process.

ie, change
<VirtualHost www.domain1.com:443>
NameVirtualHost x.x.x.x
<VirtualHost x.x.x.x:443>

Alternatively, you could do a different port for each HTTPS virtualhost. 
ie, 443,444,445, etc. I've heard this works but never attempted myself.

IP aliases on a network interface work great if you don't 
want to put in extra network cards.

You could also just have one domain host all the secure webpages for 
the other two domains.



"Sed Quis Custodiet Ipsos Custodes?" -Juvenal

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