VDQ : Can I let a user restart Privoxy?

Jurvis LaSalle lasalle at bard.edu
Fri Mar 18 09:39:43 MST 2005

On Mar 18, 2005, at 10:59 AM, beartooth wrote:

> Is there some command line method, and a permission I can add that will
> enable her just to up-arrow from a prompt in a terminal till she
> recognizes it, and then hit enter?

> And how about permissions? Will root need to set permission for her for
> the requisite command? If so, how? Permissions are one of the things I
> haven't gotten to yet....

The commands and files you need to man are sudo, visudo, and sudoers.  
allows an ordinary user to become another user to run a single command 
in a
more secure manner than 'su -c'.  visudo is the command you use to edit 
config file /etc/sudoers .

You can configure sudo to allow your wife to run just the command in 
You can even restrict the arguments to the command that you allow.  
Here's what the line
to add to /etc/sudoers might look like (but read the man page to make 
sure I'm not
botching this).

wifesusername	   localhost=/etc/init.d/privoxy

Then she can type from the command line (or up-arrow to the time you 
typed it three days ago :-P ) :

	sudo /etc/init.d/privoxy restart

then enter *her* password and the service should restart.  Use of sudo 
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