VDQ : Can I let a user restart Privoxy?

Jurvis LaSalle lasalle at bard.edu
Fri Mar 18 16:42:31 MST 2005

On Mar 18, 2005, at 5:03 PM, beartooth wrote:
> Ah, yes, sudo .... <sigh> I remember sudo. I saw very early on that it 
> was
> something I needed.
> Tried to start, and immediately discovered I'd have to learn a real 
> editor
> first -- not just pico/nano (all I know), but one of the big powerful 
> ones
> with lots of controls for all the power. Iow, a big project, not just
> another step forward -- especially for one who doesn't and never likely
> will write code. So it's still waiting for that round tuit -- maybe
> someday while the world holds still I can take a month for it.

set the EDITOR environment variable to reflect your favorite editor.
for bash:
export EDITOR=nano
for tcsh:
setenv EDITOR nano

(it would probably be wise to put this in your .bashrc or .tcshrc)

visudo will respect that and let you blithely continue your ignorance 
of the
one true text editor ;-P


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