[ydl-gen] Apache web server & virtual hosts

R. Hirschfeld ray at unipay.nl
Thu Jul 27 00:37:17 MDT 2006


> Date: Tue, 25 Jul 2006 22:51:07 -0400
> From: "Eric Dunbar" <eric.dunbar at gmail.com>

> The :80 tricked worked like a charm. Thank you very much. All I did
> was change the port number on my virtualhost definition to :80 and it
> worked :-) :-) :-).

You can even leave off the port number, since port 80 is the default.
Just <VirtualHost *> should suffice if you also use NameVirtualHost *
(the "*" matches all IP addresses of your server).

Note that there are two types of vhosts: name-based vhosts, for which
the vhost is determined by the server name, and IP-based vhosts, for
which it is determined by the IP address.  With name-based vhosts you
can have more than one vhost share the same IP address.  This is often
preferable because IP addresses are a scarce resource (except on your
own private network), and assigning a different one for each vhost is
sometimes infeasible.  The string "_default_", which you gave in your
first vhost example, though, is used only in IP-based virtual hosting
(to catch unmatched IP addresses).


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