[ydl-gen] Programming the PS3 pt. 2

Jonathan Bartlett jonathan at newmedio.com
Thu Feb 8 14:39:36 MST 2007

My second installment on programming the PS3 is up on IBM 
DeveloperWorks.  It would help if you were familiar with at least one 
other assembly language before reading it (though I would love to have 
feedback from someone who does not).  It's kind of a tough read, but I 
think by the end of the series you'll think its worth it:


If you read it, PLEASE mail me with comments, especially anything you 
had trouble understanding.  For those interested, the future articles in 
this series are:

1) Communicating between the PPE and the SPEs
2) Optimization on the SPEs
3) Using the C/C++ intrinsics
4) Possibly another article here on double-buffering and multibuffering, 
or it may be rolled into #3
5) Doing a real-world application with the PS3

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