[ydl-gen] silly compiler question for PS3

jmzorko at mac.com jmzorko at mac.com
Thu May 3 16:13:42 MDT 2007

Hello, all ...

So I read with great interest the recent Dr. Dobbs article about Cell  
programming.  I came away from that article with two thoughts --  
"wow, that thing is fast" and "eek, for all the code changes that  
needed to be made to get it to perform that well, cross-platform  
source is out the window".  So, my question is simple: Is the IBM XL  
C/C++ alpha compiler for Cell (http://www.alphaworks.ibm.com/tech/ 
cellcompiler/faq) the "Octopiler" i've read about, and if so, is this  
the version that runs on YDL on PS3?

My thing being cross-platform source (we may be tasked with porting  
some code we wrote, that currently runs on Windows x86, Linux x86 and  
Linux / OSX PPC, to the PS3), i'm interested in how well the IBM Cell  
compiler does the auto-parallelism and auto-SIMD thing, and if this  
is the same IBM Cell compiler that will run under YDL on the PS3.



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