[ydl-gen] Online Chinese Language Support Help?

David Seikel onefang at gmail.com
Thu May 3 21:57:26 MDT 2007

On Thu, 3 May 2007 20:26:53 -0600 "執事尼古拉"
<DeaconNikolai at Stanosheck.com> wrote:

>         Unfortunately, none of the fonts available seem to help this.
> I would think any UTF-8 font should be able to show the Chinese
> characters, but no such luck.

Not all UTF-8 fonts cover the entire Unicode character space, it's a
big space with thousands of characters.  It's also not just a matter of
fonts, there is the character encoding to consider as well.  My copy of
Firefox has 8 different character encodings covering 3 different
variations of Chinese, and each of those can have 4 different fonts.
That's not including the 7 variations on generic Unicode encodings.  On
the other hand, you mentioned that you have taken care of the character
encoding already.

Since YDL is essentially an English language Linux distro, with TSS
having too small a staff to cater to all the worlds languages, or even
a small fraction of the most popular languages, my advice is to speak
with other Chinese Firefox users and see what solutions they have come
up with.

I neither speak nor read Chinese, so I can't really offer much advice.
Both my YDL boxes are currently tied up with some testing so that I
can't check those web pages right now from YDL.  I'll check them under
YDL later.

A font called DejaVu may help.
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