a bunch of newbie questions

Rodney Orpheus yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
29 Apr 2002 18:06:04 +0000

I installed YDL 2.2 on my PowerBook a few days ago, and I'm liking it a
lot, but there's a few weirdnesses that I can't figure out. I've tried
looking stuff up all over the place, but so far no answer to these. So
any assistance on the following would be most welcome...

1. When I try to run AbiWord it stops with an error message saying that
it needs to be run from it's shell wrapper script. I have no idea
where/what that is. Is this standard behaviour or something odd in my

2. I assume it should be fairly trivial to connect as a client to
AppleTalk and SMB networks, but I can't see how it's done. Lots of
intructions as to how to set up a server, but I just want to run a
client. Is this possible, or do I have to run the full Samba/Netatalk

3. Is there any app in the distribution that allows me to watch

4. I have an HFS partition with MacOS 9 on the machine too, and AFAIK I
should be able to mount this under YDL. Can't figure out how to do it

5. I was trying to set up my Palm to sync with Evolution, and I messed
up the settings somehow. Now I can't reset it using the Gnome Control
Center without getting a segmentation fault from the GnomePilot Demon.
How can get directly to the config file I messed up and fix it?

That's it for now. Apart from these small things, I love this distro...
Thanks in advance to anyone who can help.
