YDL 2.3 install problem: can't read partition table?

Stefano Mori yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:23:46 +0100

The answer to the problem I asked in my previous post is available in a HOWTO:

This issue involves disk "partition tables", and if you don't know what those are, then ***DO NOT*** try to apply any of the info in this post or in the page linked above. The partition table is a small map of the contents of your hard disk. This map is stored on the hard disk, and *must* remain precise and accurate. This solution involves altering that map. Altering this map incorrectly will cause you to lose the contents of the disk, either right away or later.


Basically, the install process makes use of a program called 'parted' to get info about the hard disks. 'parted' is picky about what's in the partition table, hence the reported error.

The work around, basically described in the HOWTO linked above, is to get 'parted' to rewrite the partition table on the disk (thus doing so in it's own way, so it'll be happy with it when it tries to read it during the install process 'mount points' step).

Although 'parted' still reports the error when you run it, at least on the command line you have the option of telling it to 'ignore' the error. Once you've done that, give 'parted' a reason to rewrite the partition table. The HOWTO page above mentions deleting/creating partitions, but I found that it was enough just to rename a partition, and 'parted' would be happy with the disk after that. Repeat for each disk.

A big thank you to Jeremy Trask, the author of that HOWTO. :)