About to Give up on YDL for PM 6500s

Gary Vankirk yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 20 Aug 2002 15:09:40 -0700

I'm using the original network card. It was a pain in the a* to get 
it to work (I will be installing a second, Asante, card when it 
arrives, so that the machine can straddle our internal network and 
the DSL line). I finally got adduser to work by doing the custom 
install, first installing the "workstation" package, then immediately 
installing the "server" package. Networking CANNOT be configured 
during the install on this machine. I've wiped the drive and 
installed 5 times over a 2-day period. I'm now trying to get proftpd 
to work. I have our UNIX guru sitting in. She gets frustrated because 
things are not put in the directories where you would expect them to 
be, apparently this is not standardized.

This, at least the setup of it, is not ready for Grandma and Grandpa, 
nor my wife or my mother, or any of the people who work here (a 
newspaper). I can't say about usability, I haven't gotten that far.

I don't think that Mac users are spoiled, Windows users are just 
deprived (and I own 5 of those damned machines) and I don't know why 
THEY put up with it.
