GPS & map software?

Chuck Coleman
Tue, 27 Aug 2002 14:20:32 -0700

on 8/27/02 1:54 PM, Beartooth at wrote:

> But maybe somebody on this list knows better. In
> particular, is that space allocation (26 : 9 : 1) optimal -- or
> should the partitioning be changed before i start installing
> privoxy on YDL, and other defenses against hacking, advertising,
> and spyware -- as well as browsers, newsreaders, etc??

It appears that it is not very well balanced.

OS9 might be fine at 1GB but if you plan on putting a few applications and
some documents there might not be much left.

I am running a similar setup but I have allocated 4GB for OS9, 15GB for OSX
and 10GB for YDL. I have left the rest to store MP3's.

And good luck with YDL. I have not been thrilled with their system. It
appears that SuSE is a better flavor according to what I have read.
