cups "no route to host"

Sun, 8 Sep 2002 23:16:18 +0200

with my setup i have two printers ::

one epson stylus color 500 attached to the printer port (ttyS1)
the other an Apple Laser Writter IIg attached to the eth0 port.

none of those are working (althought they are working over macOS 9.1)

I'm sure that ttyS1 is working because i'm using it for pilot sync ( i
have a manual external switch to commute printer/Pilot) but CUPS seems
to be printing, for example, right now i have the following message from

"Printing page 1, 67% complete..." 

but nothing happens to the printer side...

for the ethernet printer i do have an error message :

"Unable to connect to printer (retrying in 30 seconds): No route to

here is the URI i gave to this printer (under CUPS) :
Device URI: socket://

and here my routing table :[root@localhost proc]# route -F
Kernel IP routing table
Destination     Gateway         Genmask         Flags Metric Ref    Use
Iface     *        U     0      0        0
eth0       *            U     0      0        0

if i have a look into /proc/ i don't see anything about those

obviously they haven't been recognised at install then how could i make
the software recognizes those printer, for me, it looks like a missing
link between CUPS (ie software) and the printers (hardware).

Yvon Thoraval