local network using ethernet and modem

Russell Brunet yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 10:35:06 -0700

I tried the tulip driver and it didn't work. Basically there was gobs of
info on the internet saying that my nic wasn't supported. I got a different
one from work that now works. So now both of my machines are showing
hardware addresses but I still can't get them to talk to each other. What
should I use for the default gateway in my setup?


On 9/19/02 10:07 AM, "Chuck Coleman" <cnk_coleman@mac.com> wrote:

> on 9/16/02 9:35 PM, Russell Brunet at brunet@mac.com wrote:
>> Well, I think I have tracked down the problem. My PC has the following NIC:
>> Intel EthereExperss Pro/100A (rev 03) with a 82865 chipset. A cursory review
>> of the internet using google has told me that this isn't compatible. But I
>> wasn't able to find any references to RedHat 7.3 which is what I'm running
>> on the PC. Do you know of any generic drivers that might get it to work? I
>> may just try to get an old network card from work, but in the meantime if
>> you have any ideas I'd appreciate it.
> You could try to see if there is an Intel driver when you configure your
> NIC. This is kind of the hunt and peck method but I have gotten it to work
> in the past. It takes time to configure each driver and then test the
> system.
> Or...
> ...you could try the tulip driver.
> try adding this to /etc/modules.conf:
> alias eth0 tulip 
> where eth0 is the location of your Ethernet card. That will force it to use
> the tulip driver, and it might make a difference.
> Chuck 
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