local network using ethernet and modem

Chuck Coleman yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Thu, 19 Sep 2002 13:04:14 -0700

on 9/19/02 10:35 AM, Russell Brunet at brunet@mac.com wrote:

> I tried the tulip driver and it didn't work. Basically there was gobs of
> info on the internet saying that my nic wasn't supported. I got a different
> one from work that now works. So now both of my machines are showing
> hardware addresses but I still can't get them to talk to each other. What
> should I use for the default gateway in my setup?

The gateway should be the address of your router. So if your router is that should be your gateway also. The gateway points to the next
link in the LAN/WAN.
