Wallstreet install/boot/screen problems

Suzanne Payne yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Sat, 08 Feb 2003 11:57:18 -0000

--On Wednesday, February 5, 2003 10:52 pm -0700 Dan Burcaw 
<dburcaw@terrasoftsolutions.com> wrote:

> Hrmm.. you could try adding right below the 'ati' line (change it back
> to ati)
> Option "UseFBDev"
> If this doesn't work, go ahead and use fbdev as your driver.

Okidoki!  I did this and it all crashed me back to the command line with "I 
can find screens but I can't use any of 'em sucker!". Ok...maybe I 
paraphrased that a little! :)

> What's interesting, is I personally have installed YDL on the 12"
> Wallstreet. This is the 800x600 guy, right?  Try the above, and let's
> see what happens.

Hmmmm....methinks it's definately a hardware issue with the Wallstreet. 
I've searched the Apple site and there are many diferent versions of the 
Wallstreet.  There are (I think) two different 12" Wallstreets.  Mine is 
the 233MHz, no level 2 cache, 12.1" passive LCD (when I said "crappy LCD", 
I *meant* crappy!).  There's also 233MHz, possibly with or without level 2 
cache and a 12.1" *active* LCD.  This also is only 800x600.  Maybe that's 
the one you've used?

It's the fact that I get 'whiteout' when it wakes up from sleep, even when 
it's just on the console, that indicates it's not just a driver line in the 
XF86Config file, but something more fundamental.  As I mentioned before, 
I'm passing the following arguments to the kernel at startup: 
video=atyfb:vmode:10  I'm not exactly sure what what this is, but is there 
maybe another video argument I should try? (video=atyfb:vmode:14 definately 
doesn't work).

Many thanks for all the suggestions so far!