PPC 5400 w/Mac OS 9.1

Halvor yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
Tue, 11 Mar 2003 12:02:38 +0900

on 10.03.03 08:12, Kenneth Browne at kbrowne.ma@verizon.net wrote:

> Could there be some leftovers from the attempted Mandrake
> installation that are causing problems? Should I start from scratch
> with using the Mac partition tool, reinstalling Mac OS, etc.? Any
> other ideas?

could be

in the installer before package selection, reformat your linux partitions
when reinstalling then at least no old stuff should interfere, I believe the
installer does look at what is there and will not erase old stuff by itself.

else nothing wrong with the txt installer. except you might have to sort out
the video afterwards.

just some thoughts on a slow tokyo morning
