No ProFTP server for YDL 3.0? Why, other options?

David Purdy
Fri, 23 May 2003 07:53:58 -0700 (PDT)


Does anyone know why there is ProFTP server for 2.3
(listed in the 2.3 RPMs, for instance) but none for

The standard UNIX ftp client is in the 3.0 RPM's, and
some other ftp related times, but no ProFTP server. 
There is a VSFTP server listed.  Is this the successor
to ProFTP?  Is is as easy as ProFTP to set up?

I am assuming that the 2.3's ProFTP wouldn't be
compatible in the 3.0 environment - is that a
false/untrue assumption?


Dave Purdy

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