cupsd:unable to read configuration file

Longman, Bill
Tue, 9 Sep 2003 09:00:47 -0700

> I need switche my usb printer after toomany information 
> change on the list,I 
> got this:
> $su
> #/sbin/service cups restart
> stopping cups--------------[OK]
> starting cups------------------[OK]
> so I try:
> /etc/init.d/cups status
> cupsd(pid 3519) is running
> so I try:
> /etc/init.d/cups stert (I got this)
> regis cupsd:unable to read configuration file
> /etc/cups/cupsd.conf --exiting

It looks like you need to review some basics. You did "restart" and both
said "OK". Then you asked for status and it said pid 3519 was running. Why
did you do "/etc/init.d/cups start" if it was already running? You could do
"ps -fp 3519" and see if it truly was cupsd that was running. Then you'd be
pretty close to 100% sure that cupsd was running.

So, cupsd is running. I think you should now concentrate on finding problems
in the cupsd.conf file. YOU NEED TO READ THE MAN PAGE. And read it again and
again until you understand all the options. Search the web for more
information about the cupsd.conf file. Make one change at a time and test
it. You need to do lots of looking on the web. This list is a good resource
but we don't have all the answers.

Good luck.
