Mac file system

Sat, 31 Jul 2004 20:03:08 -0400

On Thu, 2004-07-29 at 20:27, Steven Mulvay wrote:
> Hi all,
> The last e-mail address you gave me isn't working, so I hope this gets to you.  
> For some reason when I mount my Mac (hfs+) partition under Linux I am unable to write to it. I used to be able to write to the Mac partition before I reinstalled Linux awhile back. I even used the chmod command on the device for the Mac partition to give myself write permission, to no effect.
> How can I mount the Mac partition in read/write mode?
> Here's the appropriate line in my fstab file:
> /dev/hda10              /mnt/mac               hfsplus    defaults        1 1
> Kind regards,
> Steven Mulvay

I think 'chmod 777 /mnt/mac' would be appropriate. As for the fstab
entry you should add rw as follow:

/dev/hda10	/mnt/mac	hfsplus		defaults,rw	1 1