
Derick Centeno yellowdog-newbie@lists.terrasoftsolutions.com
17 Aug 2004 22:23:50 -0400

Forget to address your question of installation on ydl.  If it is
available as a package you can use yum in the following way:

[aguilarojo@arakus aguilarojo]$ su -
[root@arakus root]# yum search gpg*
Gathering header information file(s) from server(s)
Server: Yellow Dog Linux 3.01 updates
Server: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 - ppc - freshrpms
Server: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 - ppc - os
Server: Yellow Dog Linux 3.0 - ppc - updates
Finding updated packages
Downloading needed headers
Looking in available packages for a providing package
Available package: gpgme.ppc 0:0.3.15-4.fr from freshrpms matches with
Available package: gpgme-devel.ppc 0:0.3.15-4.fr from freshrpms matches
 Static libraries and header files from GPGME, GnuPG Made Easy.
Available package: gpgme-devel.ppc 0:0.3.15-4.fr from freshrpms matches
3 results returned
Looking in installed packages for a providing package
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:aeb6b9c4-3cf4089e matches with
 gpg(Terra Soft Solutions, Inc. <security@terrasoftsolutions.com>)
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:aeb6b9c4-3cf4089e matches with
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:e42d547b-3960bdf1 matches with
 gpg(Matthias Saou (Thias) <matthias.saou@est.une.marmotte.net>)
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:e42d547b-3960bdf1 matches with
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:4f2a6fd2-3f9d9d3b matches with
 gpg(Fedora Project <fedora@redhat.com>)
Installed package: gpg-pubkey.None 0:4f2a6fd2-3f9d9d3b matches with
6 results returned
[root@arakus root]#

Note the star following g in the command statement I made after I went
into superuser mode?  That means to look for ANYTHING following the g
and to include that in its search; then yum did its job and reported a
list telling me what is installed and what is "available" to be
installed.  The smart thing to do from this point, since yum already
found it -- in this case gpg (but it could be any other program one
wishes also) is to let yum install it (gpg) for you as it already knows
where it is!  In that case the next command would be:
yum install gpg*

That's it...be well...Viva Brazil!!  Viva Carneval!!...Viva le
differance...oppss that's French...I think?

Whatever...have a great time!!

On Tue, 2004-08-17 at 18:32, Alexander Berkman wrote:
> hi
> i a new user of yellow dog linux (and a new user of linux too). forgive
> the bad english, i from brasil and i don't write well in english, but i
> can understand.
> can someone help me to install and use gpg on yellow dog?
> AB
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