USB to ethernet adapters and macs

Derick Centeno
Wed Sep 22 11:37:35 MDT 2004

> My poor G3/900 ibook had an encounter w/ a small child..who likes to
> pull on ethernet cables... :-(
You could ban the child from the home and have the parents either
flogged or have them at least pay the cost of repairs or you could
deduct repair costs from the child's future allowance which he/she would
have had as a teen.  If you can't ban the child from the home then at
least ban him/her from your room (until he/she is 22 and then send
him/her off to their own life) or office where the computer equipment
is.  Either way, they'll never return!  Problem solved.

I guess it shows I'm neither a parent or grandparent.

> I run MacOS 9.2/10.2 and YDL 3.0.1 and now I have no ethernet...

Did the child use the router as a submarine in the bathtub?
What happened to the Cat 5 cables?
They are pretty easy to replace; some adults have used them as Christmas
ornaments on a Christmas tree complete with small oval USB routers
blinking along the branch ends!  You really don't want to know what was
used as a Star!  Talk about a geeky Christmas!!

> Is anyone aware of any USB to ethernet adapters that have drivers for
> macs/YDL?

USB is easily recognized by Linux and YDL is no different there.

If the ethernet port is destroyed; the kid being lucky he didn't fry
himself in the could get a PCI ethernet card...Other World
Computing has an interesting selection for a decent price.  If the child
is a relative deduct the cost from his/her college savings or savings
for his/her car or something.  Of course, if the kid is family, well
flogging is not appropriate...he/she deserves something more memorable.
You could start charging him/her rent when he/she is about 9 or 10; they
will get the message and quit goofing with your equipment and take
better care of theirs since they are paying for it.

Ethernet on YDL is pretty simple, you can set up the Ethernet during the
YDL installation process then Linux will check it for itself upon every
bootup (after your repairs and banning irresponsible people from your
computer is in effect).  I've heard that some cultures will hire a
shaman to protect Dad's home office by having beings of the nether world
guard the entrance...I've never heard of anyone messing with Dad or
Grand-dad after that!  I understand Shamans of many traditions are
available, Wicca, New Age Druids, various African/Haitian shamans,
various North and South Amerindian shamans ... they are as plentiful as
weeds or roses depending upon one's views. Just like anything else if
you need 'em, they are right there.

Of course, it is well known that in many cultures, Mom IS the shaman. 
NO ONE messes with Mom!  

Happy Solstice...

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