[OT somewhat] Bless Steve Balmer's little heart.

Andrew virgule88 at videotron.ca
Sat Nov 20 23:09:29 MST 2004

On Sat, 2004-11-20 at 21:23, James Cass wrote:
> Microsoft is threatening China with "potential" lawsuits (via Linux
> patent infringements) if China uses Open Source software instead of
> Microsoft software.  Steve Ballmer also said,
> <fontfamily><param>Arial</param>    "We think our software is far more
> secure than 
>      open-source software. It is more secure because 
>      we stand behind it, we fixed it, because we built it. 
>      Nobody ever knows who built open-source software," 
>      he added.
> Puh-lease Mr. Ballmer!!  You can see the entire article here:
> http://www.cnn.com/2004/TECH/biztech/11/19/tech.microsoft.linux3.reut/index.html
> - Cassj</fontfamily>

	Im getting real sick of this. I am shocked but not surprised by this
article (huh!) It bring anger in my soul. No software development
pattern is more 'secure' than another. What is 'secure' anyway? Its
pretty wide if you ask me: the answer depend on who you ask.. The real
thread come from people(s) with evil leitmotif.. Let me insert a famous
quote that resume my point perfectly: 

	'Guns don't kill people, people with guns do'.

	As a human being, I have dreams. I personally consider GNU/Linux as a
BRIDGE that connect my dreams to reality: Free knowledge/education,
support from communities, diversity is a must and is encouraged, LOADS
of possibilities, sharing spirit, money is a tool not a mean and is NOT
alpha-priority...people's happiness and satisfaction is. (?)

	These dreams are kept-away from reality because of some evil retards. I
am a victim of these people as well as 99.9999999% of the world's
population. These demons (thats how I call them, personal jargon ;) )
happen to have the most powers over the world. Can I insert MS here?.
Would it be defamation? Am I paranoid? Am I the only one who think
Redmond's giant is a social disgrace?


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