Why Yellowdog?

Andrew virgule88 at videotron.ca
Wed Jan 19 19:11:18 MST 2005

> So, I guess my question is, why use Linux over OSX?

 How well would OSX run on a 300Mhz CPU and a 6MB video card... I've heard
pather would be usable. I dont know for sure.

 - Its Open-Source by design
 - Durability: It breaths new life in old hardware. Out-fashioned doesnt
   mean non-fonctional after all.
 - Portability: Its a good thing for the developers because Linux is an OS that
   run on *many* platforms...
 - Choice: The user's ability to choose him environment according to his
   needs and/or tastes.
 - Stablility: It can run forever and a crashed application will (likely)
   not bring the whole system down with it...
   (I've heard OSX can do this just as well. Does it?)
 - Who made OSX ?

  Thats the most obvious one I could think of about "Linux over OSX". I have a very
little experience with OSX. I used, no, played with it mostly at the stores...
It never won my heart. A look at OSX's requirements ashamed me 'Nuff said :-)

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