g5 installation

joseph Woollacott starknight83 at gmail.com
Sun Nov 13 09:05:04 MST 2005

Im sorry for our "friend" here.  Was probably told to RTFM one too
many times as a child.  As for g5 stuff i believe that the 4.1 beta
(4.0.91) has more and better support for your system.  Though before
you run out and get an enhanced account Id look a little more into it
and possibly wait for 4.1.  Keep the extra partition, you never know
maybe you'll get brave and try a different distro.  No distro is for
everyone.  From what I've seen most people dont yet have a g5 system,
minus the devs.  They have a lot of changes and just a few quirks to
them that are being worked out in the kernel.    As to you Derick,
whats it matter that macs are going to x86 hardware.  TSS said they
would continue to support the ppc arch. So even after Apple has
abandoned its hardware there will be a company still trying to support
it.   Dru on a final note id look around and possibly ask in irc
#yellowdog on Freenode.net as to if there are any kernel appends to
prevent the panic.  Hope Ive helped a little and made a better

AKA: StarKnight83  ydl-board moderator

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