Where are the Repositories?

Paul Higgins higg0008 at tc.umn.edu
Mon Jun 25 20:25:29 MDT 2007

On Monday 25 June 2007 22:07, Derick Centeno wrote:
> You are then probably aware that the Ubuntu team has shunted further
> support onto the Ubuntu community which mostly means that no one will be
> doing serious PowerPC development software implementing it's advanced
> capacity.  That decision was announced here:
> https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-announce/2007-February/000098.html

The latest version of Ubuntu (v7.04 "Feisty Fawn") can be found here for PPC:

Supposedly it's an unofficial release.  I've tried the live CD in a G5 and it 
seems to work OK, as do the other derivatives (Kubuntu, Xubuntu).  It looks 
like Ubuntu is the most up-to-date; the newest versions of Kubuntu and Xubuntu 
haven't been updated for PPC yet, and may not ever be.

> As for Fink on OS X, you will have to investigate that community.  Although
> help from the Debian community is possible, however as Ubuntu follows
> Debian most likely PowerPC support will not be a priority there either.

My experience with Fink on OS X is that while it's a noble effort, there are 
just too few people using it to keep any quality control going.  Also, I think 
that Apple has been pretty clever in making it difficult to port Linux and 
X11 software to OS X.  A lot of it, particularly the Unix scientific stuff, 
just doesn't work right at all.  Furthermore, the Fink packages are often 
really out-of-date.

Incidentally, Debian is still supporting PPC.  It's just Ubuntu (and its 
derivatives) that have decided to end their support of the PPC platform.

> As far as searching current rpms modify the yum.conf file according to the
> instructions here:
> http://www.terrasoftsolutions.com/support/solutions/ydl_5.0/yum.shtml
> Once the above is done, you can add more sites by adding the listed
> official YDL mirrors into yum.conf.  You may not even need to do that; try
> the standard rpms first.

Could anyone post their /etc/yum.conf files for YDL 4.1 and/or YDL 5?  I'm 
still looking for more repos.  I can't seem to find a repo that has stuff 
like Synaptic, KPackage, or Nvu in it, and doing a compile from source is a 
little out of my league at the moment.


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