Finally, I have a PS3.

Ron Rogers Jr. CronoCloud at
Thu Jun 26 19:01:52 MDT 2008

After lurking on this list for what seemed like forever, I
finally have a PS3.  And of course I had YDL installed on it
with 12 hours. So maybe I can help more with questions, like I
did on the PS2 Linux message board.

The install went fine, no issues at all.  Adding the "other"
repos went well, and I began adding stuff I needed. I just
finished compiling Claws-Mail 3.4.0 and the plugins I use.


Gaaaah E17!  No offense, but it drove me batty, even if it has a
nice shelf. Though it probably is the best choice for a
lightweight desktop, it's less RAM intensive than all of XFCE's
pieces are. I used fluxbox on the PS2 and installed it in YDL.
The default term choice (gnome-term) is probably a bit heavy for
the PS3.  I installed rxvt/mrxvt/urxvt very quickly.

I also noticed that the default filemanager shows previews of
what's in text files.

I'll have to update gnupg, I was running 1.4.8 on the PS2.

I tended to use dillo for basic browsing, backed up with links
-g, which I'll have to install, because elinks doesn't have that
option. I had Firefox 1.5 and installed on the PS2 using
1.5 only when absolutely necessary and only when 1.5
didn't work on some site.  So Firefox 2 on YDL is a pleasant
surprise, Flash! Java!

I am enjoying pirut/yum... a lot.  I had to compile EVERYTHING
on the PS2. Though some of the packages are older than I
expected, ie vim 7.0 rather than 7.1, gimp2.2 rather than 2.4.
Yes I had 2.4 on the PS2, because I'm not sane.  :-)  I did get
tripped up in compiling Claws-Mail because I had forgot about
devel packages.

I actually haven't tried any multimedia stuff yet, I haven't
installed XMMS.

I've had to do some command line work, editing /etc/profile to
set my PKG_CONFIG_PATH, that sort of thing.  Nothing I'm not
used to doing. So far it's been going smoothly, though I
haven't figured out how to use my usb headset with YDL (to
record) yet.  

Ron Rogers Jr. (CronoCloud)

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