Obtaining current kernels for PowerBooks

Subject: Obtaining current kernels for PowerBooks
From: Michael 'Mickey' Sattler (michael@GeekTimes.com)
Date: Tue Aug 22 2000 - 01:19:07 MDT

I've been happily using a 2.2.14 kernel (obtained from some place
I've long since forgotten). I've upgraded to MOL 48 and things
weren't so happy. So I downloaded 49, but before I install it I want
to get a more current kernel.

I got vmlinux-2.2.17pre13-ben1 but the trackpad on my PowerBook G3
(Bronze) doesn't respond. I see a note on Ben's page saying he's not
posting kernels unless he's got something significant to test.

So my question is where's the current place to be getting
PowerBook-friendly kernels. If there's nobody reliable doing them I
can certainly take the time to rsync and build, but I prefer not to.

Thanks in advance,


Michael "Mickey" Sattler, Geek Times   <mailto:michael@GeekTimes.com>
San Francisco, California, USA    <http://www.GeekTimes.com/michael/>

Gay families and not-gay families, all parents, all coping. Maybe an issue somewhere, controversial elsewhere, but on my block just a fact of life. Rampant wholesomeness in Northern California. Deal with it. -- Jon Carroll [abridged]

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