Mouse problems with latest (0.9.46) MOL

Subject: Mouse problems with latest (0.9.46) MOL
From: Peter Canning (
Date: Sat Jun 03 2000 - 14:59:22 MDT

First, thanks to all involved for a great contribution to the Linux on PPC
platform. I've been using MOL for months now, and its great not to have to
reboot to do the few tasks that still require Mac OS.

I've been running mol-0.9.40 on a PowerMac 7300 running Debian with a
2.2.14 kernel. I tried to upgrade to 0.9.41 last December, but had mouse
problems, so I just switched back to 0.9.40. With the recent enhancements
(sound, etc), I would really like to upgrade to the latest. Unfortunately,
I find I still can't get the mouse to work.

Both in the X window, and on the console, the Mac OS cursor appears in the
upper left corner, but I can't get it to move. In the X window, I also
have the X cursor, which does move around, but if I move to over a desktop
icon and click, nothing happens. Fortunately, the keyboard works, so at
least I can shutdown Mac OS cleanly.

My /etc/molrc says:

#mouse_device: /dev/usbmouse
mouse_protocol: console
mouse_dpi: 140
use_x_cursor: yes

I tried setting the device to /dev/adbmouse and protocol to adb, but that
didn't work either (sometimes it hung the system). PowerMac 7300 doesn't
have USB, so I didn't even try that.

I'm running xfree86 3.3.6 and gpm 1.17.8 and the X mouse and console mouse
work fine. The Pointer section of XF86Config contains:

        Protocol "BusMouse"
        Device "/dev/mouse"

where/dev/mouse is sym-linked to /dev/adbmouse. My /etc/gpm.conf contains:

append="-l \"a-zA--Z0-9_.:~/\300-\326\330-\336\370-\377\" -S\"\""

As I said, mol-0.9.40 worked fine with the default /etc/molrc mouse

Can anybody tell me how to configure MOL so that my mouse works?

        Peter Canning

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